Natural Resource Today Weekly - Issue #55

The most significant scientific findings you should know in less than 2 minutes.

University of Helsinki:

Researchers provide better understanding of the African Humid Periods. The research is published in the journal Nature Communications.

University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna:

In a new study published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers explore social learning in dogs.

Northwestern University:

Researchers reveal positive impact of electric vehicles on air quality. The study findings are published in the journal Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability.

University of Cordoba:

New study sheds light on the effect of controlled burning on soil properties. The research is published in the journal of Science of The Total Environment.

Tripura University:

Researchers provide new insights into global lightning activity and cirrus cloud formation. The study is published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

University of Pisa:

Researchers provide better understanding of solar wind. The research is published in The Planetary Science Journal.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem:

In a new study published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers provide insights into the climate of the Cretaceous Period.

Georgia Institute of Technology:

Researchers have developed a new approach for water treatment. The research is published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology.

University of Warwick: 

New research provides insight into the influence of farmer behaviour on livestock disease management. The study is published in the journal Preventive Veterinary Medicine.

Federal University of Pampa:

Researchers have described a new species of the largest predator that lived in South America more than 265 million years ago. The findings are published in the Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.