Natural Resource Today Weekly - Issue #103

The most significant scientific findings you should know in less than 2 minutes.

Virginia Institute of Marine Science:

In a recent study published in the journal Zootaxa, researchers have described a new species of dragonfish from the western Antarctic Peninsula.

University of Washington:

New research provides a better understanding of mosquito mating behaviour. The study is published in the journal Current Biology.

Lund University:

New research shines light on the benefits of organic farming. The study is published in the Journal of Applied Ecology.

Stockholm University:

Researchers offer essential insights into global risk to water security. Their research findings are published in the journal Nature Water.

University of Minnesota Duluth:

Researchers provide fresh insights into the lifespan of bigmouth buffalo, a fish native to North America. The research is published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory:

New study sheds light on the impact of climate change on soil carbon storage in tropical forests. The research is published in the journal Nature Communications.

University of Leeds:

New research offers fresh insights into plastic pollution hotspots across the globe. The study is published in the journal Nature.

University of Liverpool:

Researchers have described new viruses in parasitic nematodes. The research is published in the journal Nature Microbiology.

Desert Research Institute: 

Researchers provide new insights into how remote sensing can be used to improve groundwater resource management. The research is published in the journal Agricultural Water Management.

University of Paris-Saclay:

In a recent study published in the journal Global Biogeochemical Cycles, researchers have presented the greenhouse gas and carbon budget of Europe.